Trusted Marketing Partners

Subject Matter Marketing Experts Required.

Marketing can be complex and many times, different marketing solutions are needed. My approach is to customize solutions to meet your marketing needs and sometimes that might include partnering or referring to a trusted subject matter marketing experts within a specific function or skillset area of marketing to achieve the right solution for you.

Colaboratory and Tradecraft are trusted marketing firms that I may partner with or refer clients to when the right marketing solution requires a more in-depth subject matter marketing expertise to deliver the business and marketing goals.


Covalent is a boutique strategy and innovation consulting agency specializing in solving urgent and important problems with velocity. Covalent ignites momentum in innovation, partnerships and marketing. 


Harness the power of data and analytics. Bring together the right talent and a rigourous, adaptable and impactful approach to insights and analytics to create real action, right now. 

Heikes Consulting Marketing Services Offered

What is your goal today?

Learn From Your Competitors

Identify major competitors and learn from their value propositions and marketing strategies to increase market share.

unlock the power of your brand

Learn how your brand is supporting your marketing efforts and vice versa in meeting your customers wants and needs.

Connect your marketing strategy to the business

Identify target markets and deliver your value proposition’s financial and marketing goals.

Go-To-Market Strategy and Plan Development

Launch your new product, servies or location to drive customer demand and increase revenue.